Avascular Necrosis: What Is It? A detail in depth Guide

 Avascular necrosis is a disorder in which the absence of blood flow causes the loss of bone tissue. It is also known as osteonecrosis, and it causes bone collapse as well as little breaches in the bone.

A dislocated joint may cut off the flow of blood to a bone segment. The prolonged use of high-dose steroid drugs may potentially result in avascular necrosis.

Although AVN may affect anybody, it most often affects adults between the ages of 30 and 50.

The signs of AVN

  • People who have avascular necrosis in its early stages do not exhibit any symptoms. The damaged joint may only pain when you put weight on it as the problem advances.
  • From moderate to severe, pain often comes on gradually. The groyne, thigh, or buttocks may be the primary locations of pain. Along with the hip, the shoulder, knee, hand, and foot are all likely to be impacted.

Some persons get bilateral (on both sides) AVN, which may affect the knees or the hips.

Reasons for AVN

  • The decreased blood supply to a bone is the primary cause of AVN. Reduced blood flow may result from:
  • Any bone or joint injuries. Joint trauma or injury might harm the blood vessels in the area.
  • Fatty buildup in blood vessel walls. Lipids in fat (fat) may clog tiny blood capillaries, decreasing blood flow to the bones.
  • Certain illnesses. Blood flow to bone was also reduced by illnesses such sickle cell anaemia and Gaucher's disease.

AVN management via Ayurveda

The greatest AVN therapy is offered in Ayurveda. In Ayurveda, treatments include both medication and panchakarma. The primary advantages of ayurvedic therapy for AVN are

The core cause of the condition is treated with ayurveda. Ayurvedic therapy assures the total halting of the condition's progression in cases where Western medications are unable to completely cure it and stop its progression.

In Ayurveda, AVN may be completely reversed.

The ayurvedic therapy carries no danger.

Treatment facilitates obtaining total health

The sukhayu ayurveda offers full care for AVN, including panchkarma treatments and drugs. The "AVN care kit" offered by the Chandigarh Ayurved Center is a mix of drugs that not only reduces pain but also slows the condition's progression and treats it organically.

What is the process of Ayurvedic Medicine for AVN?

  • These medications act on a few key principles.
  • The edoema in the bone marrow is reduced by ayurvedic medications.
  • aids in the natural repair of the body's blood supply.
  • reduces joint effusion by working
  • To restore blood flow, unclog any blood vessel obstructions.
  • enhances bone growth process.
  • aids in the body's full cleansing.
  • Debris of dead tissue is removed from the necrotic region.
  • reduces joint inflammation with help.

These advantages make this AVN care Kit useful in the process of curing the ailment.


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