
Showing posts from December, 2022

Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Migraines

There may not be a medical ailment that is more common than migraines. After all, the majority of us fall into one of two categories: either we personally get migraines or we are aware of someone who does. A migraine can induce a wide range of painful sensations, making it far more incapacitating and keeping you from doing anything for days on end. Throbbing pain, nausea, vomiting, exhaustion, loss of balance, visual abnormalities, and hypersensitivity to light, sound, and smell are a few of these symptoms. The fact that contemporary medicine still has many unanswered questions about the causes, prevention, and treatment of migraines is what makes them so troubling. The primary goal of most conventional drugs is to treat pain, but they frequently have numerous negative effects in addition to being useless. Thankfully, Ayurvedic treatment of migraine provides us with a variety of easy-to-use but efficient home treatments for migraines, including various herbs, natural drugs, and other ...

Uterine Fibroids - Ayurvedic Treatment with Herbal Remedies | Sukhayu Ayurveda

 Females who are of reproductive age get uterine fibroids. It is a benign tumour on the uterus that is also referred to as a myoma, fibromyoma, or leiomyoma. The number, size, and shape of the fibroids vary. Why Do Uterine Fibroids Develop? Although there is no known cause for uterine fibroids, female hormone imbalances may play a role in their development. The primary factor in the development of uterine fibroids is anovulation. Uterine fibroid may have several causes, one of which is hereditary. Women who eat a lot of meat are more likely to get fibroids. According to Ayurveda, granthi develops as a result of a dosha imbalance, vitiated rakta, mamsa, and meda, as well as kapha dosha. Characteristics Of Uterine Fibroid Uterine fibroid disease is compared to garbhashayagatagranthi in Ayurveda. The clinical characteristic of the fibroid is caused by its local mass effect, which puts pressure on nearby organs and causes frequent miscarriages and heavy bleeding. Uterine fibroids are t...

Avascular Necrosis: What Is It? A detail in depth Guide

 Avascular necrosis is a disorder in which the absence of blood flow causes the loss of bone tissue. It is also known as osteonecrosis, and it causes bone collapse as well as little breaches in the bone. A dislocated joint may cut off the flow of blood to a bone segment. The prolonged use of high-dose steroid drugs may potentially result in avascular necrosis. Although AVN may affect anybody, it most often affects adults between the ages of 30 and 50. The signs of AVN People who have avascular necrosis in its early stages do not exhibit any symptoms. The damaged joint may only pain when you put weight on it as the problem advances. From moderate to severe, pain often comes on gradually. The groyne, thigh, or buttocks may be the primary locations of pain. Along with the hip, the shoulder, knee, hand, and foot are all likely to be impacted. Some persons get bilateral (on both sides) AVN, which may affect the knees or the hips. Reasons for AVN The decreased blood supply to a bone is t...

How to Care Skin in Winter Through Ayurveda - Sukhayu Ayurveda

Ayurveda, our own science of medicine, is a treasure trove of herbal treatments that may naturally improve the appearance and health of our skin, therefore warding against illnesses and harsh elements. Winter is a highly arid and very cold time of year. Many allergic skin and respiratory disorders are common in humans. We'll go through some easy Ayurvedic treatments to make your winter more enjoyable and healthy. Check out the amazing guide from Sukhayu Ayurveda . Skin Care Your skin may suffer greatly in the winter. Strong winter winds may dry out the skin and aggravate it. Simple winter care routines help prevent tight, dry skin and chapped lips. Giving a warm oil massage is the most natural technique to maintain skin hydration. Oil massage should be performed every day since it provides: Luminous and wholesome skin Restful sleep and fatigue relief prolongs life and slows skin aging. Our recommendations for easy-to-use, reasonably priced oils for skin care at home COCONUT OIL: In...