Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Migraines

There may not be a medical ailment that is more common than migraines. After all, the majority of us fall into one of two categories: either we personally get migraines or we are aware of someone who does. A migraine can induce a wide range of painful sensations, making it far more incapacitating and keeping you from doing anything for days on end. Throbbing pain, nausea, vomiting, exhaustion, loss of balance, visual abnormalities, and hypersensitivity to light, sound, and smell are a few of these symptoms. The fact that contemporary medicine still has many unanswered questions about the causes, prevention, and treatment of migraines is what makes them so troubling. The primary goal of most conventional drugs is to treat pain, but they frequently have numerous negative effects in addition to being useless. Thankfully, Ayurvedic treatment of migraine provides us with a variety of easy-to-use but efficient home treatments for migraines, including various herbs, natural drugs, and other Ayurvedic methods.

Ayurvedic Treatments for Migraines


Since it has been utilised in several treatments and Ayurvedic medicines for more than 2,000 years, brahmi is recognised as one of the most significant rejuvenating or rasayana herbs in Ayurveda. Brahmi is renowned for its beneficial effects on the mind and is mentioned in several of the early Ayurvedic treatises, including the Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita. In addition to demonstrating antispasmodic, anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic characteristics, it has a relaxing and soothing impact that can reduce tension, encourage relaxation and sleep.


Pudina, often known as mint, is a tridoshic plant that can relieve a number of diseases by assisting in reestablishing the dosha system's normal equilibrium. It helps cure migraines and regular headaches, although it is most frequently used in Ayurvedic treatments for digestion. Pudina is said to relax the muscles surrounding the sinus and skull, and the perfume also has a calming impact on the neurological system, however the exact method of action is unknown.


In addition to being a popular cooking component, ginger is a potent plant that may be used to alleviate migraines. It is frequently used in Ayurvedic therapies to improve respiratory, circulatory, and digestive processes. It is also well recognised for treating pain, nausea, and detoxifying the body. Additionally, these characteristics help with migraine symptoms. According to studies, ginger root or powder can treat migraines just as successfully as allopathic drugs do while having nearly no adverse effects. According to researchers, ginger's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capabilities may be responsible for these advantages.


Ashwagandha, like brahmi, is one of the most revered rasayana plants in Ayurveda and is frequently mentioned in classical works. Ashwagandha, a plant recognised for its adaptogenic properties, is well-known for its potent rejuvenating properties that boost vitality and vigour. However, because it is also thought to improve brain and nervous system processes, its therapeutic advantages are far broader. It also possesses anti-inflammatory characteristics that have been demonstrated to work, which makes it useful for treating migraines naturally. Research has also shown that the plant helps reduce stress, which has been shown to either cause or worsen migraine symptoms. Although ashwagandha pills can be used to treat migraines, Ayurvedic migraine drugs that contain the herb are the best approach to take use of its therapeutic properties.


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